Federal Contract Compliance


Compliance + Risk

Your job doesn’t end at contract award - your company must be on its toes to ensure proper post-award compliance. Make certain you are in compliance throughout the life of your contract with our detail oriented approach.

SAM Registration + Renewal

Registering for SAM.gov can be a stressful process. Our consultants walk you through every step of this convoluted process, ensuring that your registration is current, accurate, + complete.

Clause Matrices

Orlaithe will develop a comprehensive clause matrix that identifies and defines every contract clause while outlining its associated risk factors and important elements. This is an especially unique and useful tool for multi-year contract vehicles. The matrices are updated at annually to capture any significant changes to the FAR and agency regulations.

Post-Award Compliance

Often federal contract vehicles require post-award maintenance. Orlaithe will identify relevant compliance requirements and assist you in meeting them.

FSS Post-Award Reporting + Deliverables

FSS contracts require quarterly sales reporting + IFF remittance; quarterly non-FAMP + FCP reports (65IB covered drugs only)*; annual certifications + reporting; and price list maintenance.

*Manufacturers of brand name drugs are required to make their products available on the VA’s 65IB Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, & Hematology Related Products FSS program. Our firm will be with you each step of the way, from establishing your Interim Agreement to submitting an acceptable contract proposal and complying with post-award and annual compliance requirements - including FCP and non-FAMP calculations.

Small Business Subcontracting Plan Reporting + Deliverables

Large business are required to submit and maintain a small business subcontracting plan. These plans must be updated annually and achievements must be reported in eSRS by October 30 each year. Orlaithe is adept at developing plans that meet the VA’s unique specifications and meet all statutory requirements.

Contracting Processes, Guidelines, + Risk Mitigation

Our team will help you develop the necessary company-specific contracting processes, guidelines, + standard operating procedures needed to ensure contract compliance and mitigate risks associated with being a federal contractor.